York Estate Planning

At York our 100% commitment and focus is on you, our client.

There are significant financial planning, estate planning and taxation issues and opportunities that financial advisers (and family lawyers) should be aware of and address on marriage or relationship breakdown for their clients. With 40% of first marriages ending in divorce and a higher rate of breakdowns for de facto relationships, divorce or relationship breakdowns can be emotionally and financially draining. Divorce and separation is a reality!

At York Law we work closely with advisers and clients’ lawyers to consider, plan and implement strategies that take into account marriage or relationship breakdowns when providing financial and estate planning advice before the marriage or relationship break down and put in place measures to protect clients if and when the client’s relationship or marriage fails.

Most clients choose to undertake estate planning because an adviser or lawyer identifies significant financial and other benefits to them and their family. A property settlement is the corollary in that it is a compulsory estate plan that clients are forced to undertake.

Lawyers and advisers must not shy away when their clients’ relationships or marriages break down. Lack of action or awareness of the issues and opportunities by the adviser (or the lawyer, for that matter) of the financial impact and consequences of marriage or relationship breakdown could have a disastrous financial impact on the client and place a client’s future estate planning and retirement in disarray.

At York Law, we work with the adviser or commercial lawyer so that with careful planning and cooperation, your financial costs could be kept at a minimum and leave the client’s estate planning intact following the marriage or relationship breakdown.